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Presidential Search

Search Committee Charge

Charge to the Presidential Search Committee

December 3, 2024

The Board of Governors charges the Presidential Search Committee, under the leadership of co-chairs Amy Towers and Alberto Cuitiño, and with advice and guidance from WittKieffer, to conduct a national search for Rutgers’ 22nd president, with the goal of presenting to the Board of Governors a list of not fewer than three candidates, in unranked order, for consideration. The Board of Governors, acting with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees, will evaluate the finalists and appoint the next president of the University. The Search Committee is an advisory committee to the Board of Governors and does not hold any delegated authority to select the president.

The Board of Governors expresses appreciation to the Search Committee for their willingness to commit significant time, effort, and expertise to the process. The 20-member Search Committee brings extensive experience and a rich diversity of perspectives to this crucial task. All members of the Seach Committee are reminded to act in the best interest of the University and to play an active role in all facets of the Search Committee’s work.

In identifying candidates for the Board of Governors to consider, the Search Committee, working with WittKieffer, is requested to:

  • Actively gather feedback from the University community regarding attributes and qualifications desired in the next president;
  • Seek recommendations from the University community for possible candidates for the position;
  • Develop a “Leadership Profile” that describes the criteria the Search Committee will use in its search for the future president;
  • Help cultivate and recruit a large and diverse pool of well-qualified nominees and applicants;
  • Ensure potential candidates receive information about Rutgers, including its mission, structure, and academic offerings;
  • Aid in evaluating candidate nominations and applications based on the characteristics identified;
  • Select those candidates who present the strongest qualifications;
  • Submit to the Board of Governors the names of candidates in alphabetical order who best embody the preferred characteristics of the president of Rutgers;
  • Maintain strict confidentiality during all points of this process.

In all of its deliberations, the Search Committee should adhere to University policies and act in accordance with applicable state and federal laws and regulations. Because strict confidentiality is essential to attracting highly qualified candidates, all members of the committee will be required to sign and adhere to a confidentiality agreement. Meetings will not be open to the public. Only the Committee co-chairs, or their designee(s) from time to time, are authorized to speak with the media, and/or others, on behalf of the Search Committee.